Bearn Enterprise hero

Bearn Enterprise

Bearn Enterprise

Design a mobile application to promote healthy living and exercise while also allowing users to earn money as a reward for calories burned and healthy lifestyles.

The enterprise version of Bearn is now live and being used by organizations across the world to help promote exercise among their employees.

Engagement Dashboard

The dashboard UX/UI was created to give users as much or as little information as they want. Landing areas give high-level recent data based on activity and also provides statistics for group efforts and campaigns per organization along with individual employees. The company health score was developed from using key metrics set by managers and allows leadership to see progress over time and where acivity may have fallen off among staff, while also see the most active employees and what retail they are spending their earned money on.


Bearn is a SaaS technology company that provides an unparalleled health management solution for B2B organizations wishing to drive engagement in activities and behaviors that promote healthy, active lifestyles. Our UX team solved their design request with a simple workflow and amazing dashboard system for their application.

User Dashboard


The high-level goals for the Bearn Enterprise mobile platform were focused on ease-of-use, rewards, and user engagement.

Users should want to use the application every day and be curious about their recommendations, tasks, medical and financial health.

User Dashboard Engagement

Company User Management

As mentioned above the company health score can include as many types of activities that an organization may want to include. Each activity is given a distinct color and icon to give users and managers an obvious visual menu to choose. From each type of exercise, user can then drill down in that area to better understand where the score and percentages come from and where there is room for improvement.

Part of each excercise tracking mechanism is the ability to see it’s overall stress level as well as the effectiveness of the exercise over time.

Company User Management


At the heart of any mobile health app is developing a conistent routine with multiple forms of reminders and encouragement.

The mobile dashboard Fuselab created balances the encouragement of seeing dollars earned with the amount of calories burned while also depicting how the streaks of activity has improved or increased the amount in both of these areas.

Lastly, while still on the same screen users can compare their acitivty to others at their company and within spcecific groups they have joined.

Streaks icon

Fuselab’s approach to mobile design is quite simple: make every attempt to make everything a user sees clickable and intuitive.

Leaderboard icon

Our app designs should never need some kind of companion explanation or training, instead they should engage the user to jump in with no confusion or apprehension.



Easy to read dashboard to track all employee progress, set new goals for individuals and groups, and to see what has been accomplished in all of the pre-set areas of exercise, such as biking and running.


Creating groups is no differnent that creating a company softball team. People are typically more driven when what they are doing is part of a public competition. Anyone can skip their workout when no one is watching, but when you are part of a team that is attempting to beat out another team everything changes.

Similar to fantasy football leagues or other digital competion platforms, Fuselab created an easy way to see your group’s standing, compare progress and develop and track goals. Companies understand that there is a direct link between physical and mental health and Bearn helps maintain a good balance between both.

Personal Goals

Designed by:

Art Direction

George Railean

Project management

Vladimir Bobu


Marcel Sendrea
Lina Ghimp

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