
UI/UX Design Experimentation Services

Fast iterations and experimentation

Rapid experimentation involves conducting small, fast experiments based on customer behavior to evaluate your blue-sky assumptions. The goal of this approach is to design products that satisfy the needs of customers. In addition to releasing products quickly, this process also helps prevent unnecessary waste in product design.

Design Experimentation Agency

”Design flourishes best in environments that encourage learning, testing, and iterating with users — practices that boost the odds of creating breakthrough products and services while simultaneously reducing the risk of big, costly misses.”

McKinsey & Company

Design Experimentation Services Redesign

The Design Experimentation Principles

Our mission at Fuselab Creative is to nurture a culture of product design experimentation. Our firm conviction is that exceptional user experiences can only be created through innovation and continuous learning and improvement. To achieve this, we employ the following strategies

<h3 class="heading-3-bold-font">Embracing a Growth Mindset</h3>

Embracing a Growth Mindset

In order to foster a culture of experimentation, we encourage our team members to have a growth mindset. Taking risks, exploring new techniques, and challenging the status quo are all opportunities we encourage our designers to embrace. There is always another way, let’s find as many as possible before we decide on any particular design direction.

<h3 class="heading-3-bold-font">Focus on Experimentations</h3>

Focus on Experimentations

We value experimentation and give our designers the freedom to explore new ideas, methods, and technologies. This allows us to push boundaries and find innovative solutions for each and every product design we deliver. We have found that when our clients see the ample amount of experimentation we have embarked on helps us prove our dedication to finding the perfect avenue to follow.

<h3 class="heading-3-bold-font">Leveraging User Feedback and Data</h3>

Leveraging User Feedback and Data

Our company utilizes user feedback and data to guide our design experiments at every turn, ensuring we meet users’ needs and preferences. User experience design is 100% reliant on consistent and repetitive testing by actual users. If not, failure is not far off, guaranteed!

<h3 class="heading-3-bold-font">Iterative Design Process</h3>

Iterative Design Process

Our design process is iterative, using rapid prototyping and user testing to refine experimental product design based on real-world feedback. Each iteration is seen as an opportunity to learn, adapt, and enhance, resulting in products that truly resonate with our users, while also showing a strict commitment to achieving our client’s goals.

<h3 class="heading-3-bold-font">Celebrating Success and Learnings</h3>

Celebrating Success and Learnings

We celebrate successes and learn from design experiments. Acknowledging achievements boosts morale and motivates us. Challenges are opportunities to learn and reflect. Experimentation empowers our team to think creatively and deliver innovative solutions that prioritize client needs and drive business success.

<h3 class="heading-3-bold-font">Freedom</h3>


Our designers learn very early on with Fuselab there is almost always new product experimentation approach to explore before the final decision is made. We encourage exploration at every stage, certifying that we have exhausted our UX/UI skills and imaginations before giving our clients a glimpse at their options.


Automatize platform - Digital Interface for Telematics & Supply Chain

Automatize platform

Digital Interface for Telematics & Supply Chain

Automatize platform - Digital Interface for Telematics & Supply Chain


Referral Program for Medical Professionals

ReferralMD - Referral Program for Medical Professionals

ReferralMD - Referral Program for Medical Professionals

Experimentation in
Product Design

Our design experimentation process is designed to ensure that our collaboration is focused on achieving your goals while incorporating user-centric insights and data-driven decision-making. By embracing experimentation, we deliver innovative and effective design solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Automatize All in One Screen - Design Experimentation
Smart Streets Traffic - Design Experimentation
Eye Tracking ReferralMD - Design Experimentation
Generative AI Health Chat GPT - Design Experimentation
Patient Data - Design Experiment on Visuals for Simple Component

Product Experimentation

UX/UI experimentation design is a systematic approach that involves creating and testing various design variations to optimize the user experience. By analyzing user data and feedback, organizations can make data-driven decisions to enhance their digital products and ensure they meet user expectations effectively.

1. Identify Assumptions

1. Identify Assumptions

We start by identifying the assumptions underlying your design challenges and goals. These assumptions form the basis for our experimentation process.

2. Design, Prototype, Test, and Start Again

2. Design, Prototype, Test, and Start Again

At Fuselab, every prototype we make is a way to test our ideas. We value moving quickly and experimenting with different concepts to gain important knowledge and improve rapidly, and not waste time with unfruitful concepts.

3. Bold Experiments

3. Bold Experiments

Through exploring innovative ideas and pushing boundaries, we open up opportunities for breakthrough solutions and gain valuable insights. Being bold is not hyperbole, it’s about pushing the limits to see what is possible.

4. Testing assumptions

4. Testing assumptions

Our approach focuses on testing assumptions rather than ideas. By verifying assumptions at an early stage, we can ensure that we are tackling the correct issues and creating efficient and specifically targeted solutions.

5. Making data-driven decisions

5. Making data-driven decisions

Our decision-making process relies on data rather than personal opinions. We gather and analyze pertinent data, including user feedback, behavior, and metrics, to obtain insights that inform design choices.

6. Easy and Quick Designs

6. Easy and Quick Designs

Our design approach is quick and efficient. Rather than focusing on perfect visuals, we prioritize speedy iteration and feedback loops. This enables development of informed design in a timely manner.

7. Desirability vs Usability

7. Desirability vs Usability

In addition to usability, we value testing the appeal of our designs. Our consistent goal is to create concepts that not only perform well but also connect with users on an emotional level while fulfilling their needs.

8. Critical Evidence Generation

8. Critical Evidence Generation

We generate evidence from our experiments and evaluate it to make informed design decisions. As part of our daily process, we ensure that our designs are inspired by user insights, and are supported by verifiable data.

9. Continuous Iteration

9. Continuous Iteration

Continuous iteration can become quite circular in nature, yet, at the same time it’s is the best way to deliver a solidly tested and refined design approach where each an every goal and user flow has been properly tested and proven successful.

Our Experimental
Design Projects

Industry / Project Services

Services From a Top
Design Experimentation Agency

Our approach to design experimentation involves pushing the boundaries of traditional design practices, trying out new ideas, and taking creative risks to discover novel approaches that can effectively communicate a message, support the functional purpose of an application, or help users reach their goals.

CRO Experimentation

CRO Experimentation

Conversion experimentation centers around CRO A/B testing to continuously work through design options until the most effective method is found.

A/B Testing and Multivariate Testing

A/B Testing and Multivariate Testing

New mobile and web apps are launched every day, but to remain competitive, a product needs to simultaneously conduct A/B testing for UI/UX designs of many variations before publishing.

Product Hypothesis Testing

Product Hypothesis Testing

An assumption is just that until it can be validated through testing with potential and existing users. The key to creating an effective hypothesis is clarity and the proper collection and analysis of data.

Testing Never Ends

Testing Never Ends

Just creating a profitable app is not enough. To stay on top of your competition, continuous testing of new ideas and potential improvements needs to never end.

Becoming Environment Agnostic

Becoming Environment Agnostic

Users now expect device agnostic experiences with modern software and applications, and those that don’t embrace this trend will find themselves becoming obsolete.

Competitive Analysis

Competitive Analysis

Design experimentation has a direct tie to remaining competitive as it drives agencies like Fuselab to push their clients toward a state of continuous improvement as the market changes over time.

Industries We Love to
Work with


In the healthcare market, serving diverse audiences like doctors, nurses, and patients necessitates strategic and comprehensive experimental interface design. This approach is crucial to effectively meet the unique needs of these stakeholders. At Fuselab Creative, we take immense pride in delivering such vital work and understanding the importance of design experimentation in achieving optimal user satisfaction.


When exploring new places, mobile travel apps have become essential. UX/UI design experimentation is crucial in multiple environments, potentially requiring different designs for each. For instance, holding a cup of coffee in your non-dominant hand while using your phone represents one testing environment. We understand the significance of design experimentations in creating seamless user experiences across diverse scenarios.

Transportation and Logistics

Just as there are multiple routes to the same destination for trucks, aircraft, or drones, there are also numerous design options when creating logistics software. At Fuselab Creative, every design for this market originates from a comprehensive series of design experiments. These experiments are specifically crafted to align with the user’s needs and the client’s business goals. We recognize the importance of design experimentations in delivering effective and tailored solutions in the logistics software domain.

Real Estate

When searching for a new home or apartment, the initial focus for most individuals is the cost. However, their secondary interests in property details can greatly differ. This highlights the need for an experimental experience design agency, and conducting exhaustive design experimentation to establish a UX design that effectively satisfies each user’s specific needs in an intuitive and user-friendly way. At Fuselab Creative, we prioritize design experimentations to ensure our solutions align with the diverse requirements of every user.

AI and ML

At the core of machine learning and artificial intelligence is a process of learning through experimentation. As we collaborate with more AI agencies, our design experiments become more refined. However, the significance of extensive UX design experimentation remains unchanged. We understand the critical role of UX experiments and A/B testing in honing solutions and delivering optimal user experiences in the field 
of AI.

Ecommerce and Retail

Design experimentation for e-commerce and retail sales covers a wide range of processes, such as making purchases, handling returns, and managing stocking and merchandising. These are just a few of the user flows that we thoroughly conduct A/B testing for and experiment with to determine the most intuitive user experience. Prioritizing design experimentations, we strive to create seamless and user-friendly interactions within the realm of e-commerce and retail operations.

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We are the best UI/UX Experimentation Designers Because:

We are the best experimentation designers because we fearlessly combine our passion for aesthetics, deep understanding of user needs, and refining ideas until they reach their full potential, creating design solutions that surpass expectations.

From shaky ground to solid footing

From shaky ground to solid footing

We believe that everything is an assumption until they are proven. Our process for experimentation revolves around moving project stakeholders and design staff from a feeling of doubt to a solid state of certainty and confidence.

A focus on outcomes, not output

A focus on outcomes, not output

All features we design are judged according to their ability to deliver specific outcomes, and go through specific product hypothesis testing. Each is either kept, changed, or replaced based on the effective delivery of their strategic goals. The more we experiment the more refinement takes place.

Lean approach, no fluff

Lean approach, no fluff

In Lean UX the ultimate goal is better outcomes, and anything that can’t be tied directly back to these outcomes is cut. We are focused on value creation at every step in our process while at the same time providing the removal of inefficiencies.

Shared understanding

Shared understanding

Shared understanding is the currency of our approach, as it is our way of getting “both sides of the table” onboard with our proposed solution. The understanding, again, is derived only after extensive UX design experimentation.

Failure is a good outcome

Failure is a good outcome

We know after doing this work for several decades now that failure is certain to happen. The good news is that getting the right design in place is a process of sifting out the bad through UX experimental design to get to the good and deliver the best possible outcome.

Problem solving

Problem solving

Problem-solving is about delivering UX/UI design that provides solutions and not some kind of pre-determined set of features the client believes they need. Instead, we go on an experimental voyage together and find the perfect path forward.

Our Company Principals

We started Fuselab with the a few key goals in mind. One of our most lofty goals that we would foster an environment built around constant experimentation. We want our staff to feel free to try anything they think will please our clients, regardless of how outlandish or disruptive the idea may be. After all, isn’t this how all great discoveries are made?

Our team

When you hire us you get access to our most senior and experienced people.
They'll actually work on your business, not just oversee it.

Our expertise
George Railean

George Railean

Creative Director
Marc Caposino

Marc Caposino


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