ORIP Project hero


<span class="display-2-light-font">ORIP</span>

How do you create an identity for the office that does all of the major infrastructure research for all the laboratory work that takes place across every center across the National Institutes of Health?

Creating a memorable identity and a easy-to-use collateral system that differentiates itself from all other NIH Offices, while still holding onto the one element that makes research possible: The human element.


The Beauty of Simplicity

There is a fine line of thought, research, and progress that ties together everything ORIP does into a tight-knit, multi-disciplinary office at NIH. In the end, it was this line – seen cutting across the logo, that tied together everything we designed for them; it was this simple yet elegant theme that brought this identity system to fruition.

The Beauty of Simplicity


Colors & Typography

A subtle use of color and traditional fonts mixed with a clean use of white space and a modern approach to design.

Colors & Typography


A Thin Gray Line

All of the communications collateral ORIP had before this project seemed to be about cramming as much information in as little space as possible. We went in the completely opposite direction. A thin line of demarcation weaved throughout their brand and content blocks was used to visually guide the reader and reinforce a focus on clean, well organized design layouts.

A Thin Gray Line


All Facts Start Out as Ideas

A subtle use of color and traditional fonts mixed with a clean use of white space and a modern approach to design.

All Facts Start Out as Ideas


All Facts Start Out as Ideas

A subtle use of color and traditional fonts mixed with a clean use of white space and a modern approach to design.

All Facts Start Out as Ideas
All Facts Start Out as Ideas
All Facts Start Out as Ideas All Facts Start Out as Ideas


All Facts Start Out as Ideas

A subtle use of color and traditional fonts mixed with a clean use of white space and a modern approach to design.

All Facts Start Out as Ideas

Designed by:

Art Direction

George Railean

Project management

Vladimir Bobu


Lina Ghimp

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