AR Health App Project Hero

AR Health App

AR Health App

It’s probably no surprise how big Augmented Reality will be in the Telehealth care environment. We’ve created a series of digital multi-layer human bodies that are already being utilized in modern EHR systems.

We meet with medical device manufacturers and software developers all the time and hear the same thing over and over, “our user experience is outdated.” In some cases, it’s like looking back in time to when all digital screens glowed with green text and you had to memorize specific prompts to accomplish tasks. AR UI design developers, above all else, need to understand this particular community’s very high expectations.

Flowing Lines

Flowing Lines

Patient List

As digital goggles like Apple’s new Vision Pro become more popular and come down in price the opportunity to re-envision our home, work, meeting, and medical exam spaces will continue to evolve. As a medical provider, your patient list and EHR system can travel with you, enabling you to provide the most robust care possible.

Notes icon

As we make our way in the world each day ideas and to-do items pop into our minds constantly. AR and VR work-related products evolve, and your digital notepad is always with you making the administrative part of our lives much more effortless.

Notification / Chat icon
Notification / Chat

Virtual chat and notifications are just the next step in the world of virtual assistants; the only difference is that we will now view our chat window and notifications instead of barking our messages to Siri and wondering if she’s going to get it right.

Notification / Chat

Your Virtual
Doctor’s Office

Think for a minute about how laptops were once a novelty item, and now they are practically as prevalent as smart phones. AR app design services are going to become huge in the not to distant future as our laptops disappear and our goggles create our entire work environment where ever we are and how ever we choose to work that day.

Reason of Appointment icon
Reason of Appointment

Medical appointment setting and schedule organization design will be based on hand gestures and voice rather than the clicks of a mouse. Everything you need to organize your medical practice will flow, swipe, and scroll on command.

Reason of Appointment
Medical History icon
Medical History

Although we have a long road ahead of us, the virtual EHR system is just around the corner, and the ability for healthcare providers to quickly see a medical history along with the most recent collected data will be one of the most power-packed services offered.

Medical History
AR Health App - Treatment / Protocol Plan

3D Model

To create an AR app design requires is a multi-layered process that involves an in-depth understanding of how navigation and design will take place in countless environments, and finding a way to assure the same successful user experience for each.

X-Ray icon

Viewing X-rays is one of the most common test results doctors from numerous disciplines rely on. However, some X-rays need to be viewed on a highly magnified scale, and understanding the limitations and contrast elements needed will be vital to a positive user experience.

Results icon

Quickly and efficiently scanning patient data relies heavily on simple and intuitive navigational structures containing universally recognized iconography and integrated lab results for optimal use and the ability to dig into results where needed.

AR Health App Data Viz


AR calendaring will probably be the first functional area to be adopted by medical providers. Checking your calendar for the day or making quick adjustments will be as easy as a few hand motions and you’re done, regardless if you are driving a car or jogging.

Available Time icon
Available Time

Simple elements, such as color coding for priority identification will become incredibly important in the augmented reality space. Selection gestures and deletion swipes will become as common as putting on the blinker in your car in the not-too-distant future.

Available Time
Assign Patient icon
Assign Patient

A more in-depth calendar process for AR patient management will involve the combination of both voice and gestures to reach goals that involve multiple layers of information search and implementation.

Assign Patient


Patient consults among medical providers will take on an entirely new and improved format, as AR will allow for sharing patient information, scans, and X-rays within the virtual space in real-time for more effective decision making.

AI Recommendation icon
AI Recommendation

AI is already changing the way many of us start any new task or conduct initial research. AI recommendations will simply become part of many traditional work processes to increase our efficiencies and allow the medical provider world to become much more effective.

AI Recommendation
Personal Chat icon
Personal Chat

The AR assistant for chat will not be that much different from the chat tech we use now, but it will contain one big difference, which it will be with us wherever we are, and responding to messages will become as secondhand nature as returning a text message.

Personal Chat

Designed by:

Art Direction

George Railean

Project management

Vladimir Bobu


Andrei Sava

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