Flood Impact Project hero

Flood Impact

Flood Impact<br />Project

Redesign the user interface for supply chain software company to create an overall better and more intuitive user experience. Fleet management platform focused on travel optimization.

Preparing U.S. cities for the impact of floods. The Flood Ai tool allows users to foresee when a major storm hits a vulnerable “red zone”. Floods can destroy a city for years to come, just look at New Orleans. Having a tool like Flood Impact can be the difference between a quick recoveey and decades of struggle.


When it comes to preparing for a disaster as destructive as massive flooding, being able to look into future provides a huge advantage for states, cities, and communities.

The Flood Impact AI tool allows users to forsee how long once a major storm, hits that its “red zones,” or the most cirically vulnerable zones will be completely under water, and how to mitigate damage and notify the public.


Storm Center

All storms and distasters impact us differently and within drastically different timeframes.

It’s not just the speed of the storm or wind that plays a role; it’s the elevation of areas in its path, amount of rainfall, size of the storm, and type of storm that determine evacuation guidelines, public warnings, and the amount of damage and potential for loss of human life. The more widely a tool like like Flood Impact can be utilized, the better all communities will be prepared for the next big one.

Alerts icon

The type of alert, and the timing of alerts are often the difference in life or death during a disaster.

Simulations icon

Simulations allow user to pretend for a moment that they control mother nature, and are critical toward understanding where cities are most vulnerable.


People have an uncanny ability to justify their actions, and most do not want to disrupt their routines, even during a major hurricane. Emergency first responders know this all to well, and even though alerts and evacuation orders have been issued, there will always be those that try to ride out the storm. Predicting when and how bad those straglers will be hit is critical for emergency crews to know to better understand how to mitigate loss of life and their own safety.

Time icon

Time is possibly the most important factor to understand during a storm. It is the passing of time that changes everything for those making decisions during a disaster.

Calmity icon

Everyone wants to know what to expect and how bad it will get during a storm. Flood impact is one of the few tools that can actually provide answers to these questions.

Pressets icon

Depending on your role and what kind of storm is headed your way, you may be much more interested in wind speed versus rainfall, regardless all the presets you will ever need are here with Flood Impact.

Metropolitan Center

Large cities, or metropolitan centers do not have the same capacity to handle major rainfall or flooding in the same way that sprawling rural communities do. This makes them particularly suseptible to damage and destruction during a major weather event.

The need for controlled drainage, sanbags, evacuations, and property damage estimates changes every minute in a highly populated city, and city managers need to predictive information to reduce cost and mitigate as much damage as possible.

Metropolitan Center
Downtown icon

Moderate flooding

City Center icon
City Center

Area evacuated do to area-wide flooding.

City Center
City Hall icon
City Hall

Tree removal services in the area.

City Hall
Uptown icon

Currently under storm watch.


GIS & Al Are
How We

Past storms are not always the best indicators for how floods will impact a region. However, GIS mapping and topography details do not change, and playing out flooding scenarios with AI can help cities allocate proper budgets to those departments and purchase supplies that usually run out first.

This tool also provides insight how different weather paterns require regions to respond differently. Users can select a zip code and then play with the number within each category to better understand what to expect and how to properly plan for the future.

GIS & Al Are Changing How We Plan

Zip by Zip &
Block by Block

Gutter, drains, hills and buildings, all have an impact on flood management and prevention in a concrete jungle.

Underground facilities like parking garages and sub-terranian building floors all have their own levels of risk, but knowing what to expect and when changes a building managers entire approach to dealing with major storms.

Time icon

Time is possibly the most important factor to understand during a storm. It is the passing of time that changes everything for those making decisions during a disaster.

Calamity icon

Everyone wants to know what to expect and how bad it will get during a storm. Flood impact is one of the few tools that can actually provide answers to these questions.

Pressets icon

Depending on your role and what kind of storm is headed your way, you may be much more interested in wind speed versus rainfall, regardless all the presets you will ever need are here with Flood Impact.

Warning Signals icon
Warning Signals

AI-based Flood impact tool, changing live for the better.

Warning Signals

Designed by:

Art Direction

George Railean

Project management

Vladimir Bobu


Marcel Sendrea
Lina Ghimp

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