Liberty Wireless

Liberty Wireless

Liberty Wireless is a small Maryland-based telecommunications company that asked us to help design the architecture for some of their internal digital systems, to build new mobile applications for the customer market, and to redesign a large portion of their marketing collateral.

Services Provided:

The Story

A Whole Lot of Need, Not a Whole Lot of Time

In addition to the digital design work we did for Liberty Wireless, they also contracted us to build out a series of brand illustrations and digital marketing materials. Our information architects guided Liberty staff through a process of informational restructure and completely rebuilt their UX/UI experience. The results were beautiful and achieved in a very short time.

UX Design

Changing the thoughts and minds of liberty wireless customers and employees from the inside out. This site was organized in a way to intrigue customers in the service offering while also showing the personality and human approach to technology that Liberty wireless embodies.

Liberty Wireless
Liberty Wireless

Style Guide

If Benjamin Franklin was still alive he would love the look and feel of Liberty Wireless. It’s stars and stripes every day of the week at Liberty Wireless – and a few other colors splashed around for pop!

Liberty Wireless

UI Design

Liberty Wireless had an issue with it’s internal systems interface designs. Employees were often confused on how to perform certain vital functionality, and they were also dealing with a very capricious database. Our UX/UI designers and programming experts took the reigns of their system and completed a redesign and database overhaul in record time, and under budget.

Liberty Wireless
Liberty Wireless


Just Part of a Normal Day

Responsive design is no longer an optional service, it is just part of what we do every day at FuseLab Creative, and it’s also something we are very, very good at – just ask any of our clients.

Liberty Wireless
Liberty Wireless

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