Dashboard Interface Graphic Design UI Design UX Design
Duration: Duration icon 5 min read
Date: Duration icon May 6, 2020

Embrace Digital Transformation or be Left Behind

User experience design

Digital technology continues to catalyze the growth and evolution of the modern workplace.

Organizations that fail to embrace this brave new world are unable to benefit from the wonders of digital transformation, including improved efficiency, enhanced procedural intelligence, and more effective workplace optimization.

From sole traders to multinationals, organizations need to master digital tools and embrace transformative strategies or risk getting left behind.

What is digital transformation?

Often shortened to DT or DX, digital transformation describes the uptake and implementation of new digital technology to solve existing problems. From the use of innovative dashboards and hardware devices to cloud computing and artificial intelligence (AI).

Digital transformation describes the use of technology to create value and improve business outcomes. Much more than an abstract set of ideals, however, digital transformation is about taking advantage of your space in the market and developing an edge over your rivals.

Optimization vs. transformation

Before you develop a digital product design transformation strategy, it’s important to understand the difference between transformation and optimization. For example, if you’re adopting new tech to save time or minimize your day-to-day struggles, you’re probably optimizing your business rather than transforming it.

Digital transformation involves a much more profound shift, with changes just as much about disruption as they are about refinement.

Digital Transformation

The four types of digital transformation

Technological change is fast and exciting. Rather than rushing ahead, it’s important to understand the opportunities available to you and transform your business based on the realities of your market and industry sector.

Transformation efforts cover a wide spectrum, with possible options including procedural transformation, business model transformation, market scope transformation, and cultural transformation.

  • Procedural shifts– From data and analytics to dashboards and user interfaces, the processes you use change the way you interact with your employees and customers. Process transformation is about refining your existing workflows, streamlining the way you manage people and resources, and re-imagining how you do business on a day-to-day basis. Examples of process shifts include online food ordering and robotic process automation (RPA) to improve office efficiency.
  • New workplace models – Business model transformation is about changing the fundamental building blocks of your enterprise. While procedural shifts focus on finite resources and known operational elements, new workplace models require reinvention and initiative. Examples of business model transformation include the new sharing economy and the changing shape of music and media distribution.
  • Domain and market shifts – The transformation of markets and domains represents an even more profound shift. New technologies have changed the very way we interact with products and services, with industry boundaries blurring all the time and certain players managing to unlock markets beyond their native territory. For example, Amazon and Google have used their existing technology infrastructure to expand into web and data services.
  • Cultural changes – Organizational transformation involves the deepest and most long-term shifts. Changes to corporate cultures and attitudes don’t happen overnight, with these shifts often taking years, decades, or even generations before they are understood. Cultural shifts are often intangible, including agile workflows and flexible workplace structures. For example, a company may develop a more decentralized operational architecture or have a shift in focus from equipment to data.

Finding the right strategy for your organization

Before you embark on a comprehensive digital transformation strategy and hire a dashboard design expert, it’s important to take a step back and look at what’s important to your organization. Have an honest conversation with your team, take stock of your existing hardware and software infrastructure, and think about how technology can help you overcome your current challenges. There are lots of solutions available to you, from new dashboards and equipment purchases to the adoption of analytics, AI, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

  • Analytics and AI– Access to data for analytics is an important part of every digital transformation strategy. As the new global currency, data allows you to make better decisions and focus your energies on what really matters. Regardless of your industry sector, AI can be used to automate and improve real-time analytics. From chatbots to social media data, AI will increasingly be used to improve business workflows and outcomes.
  • IoT and augmented reality – The IoT brings the online world into the real world, with augmented reality fulfilling the inverse function by bringing the real world onto the screen. Both of these technologies will become important in digital transformation efforts, as the advantages of smart dashboards and user design merge with physical sensors, cameras, and wearables. Digital transformation is about making your business more efficient and effective, with IoT and augmented reality likely to play an increasing role in the future.
  • Dashboards and user interface design – The user interface is how you interact with the underlying system. Smart dashboards and interface design help businesses access the right information and make better decisions. A good dashboard is important to every transformation effort because it transforms raw data into a real and valuable experience. Good dashboards need to be both robust and flexible, with clear and consistent design decisions combined with customized and interactive content.
Interested in Feeling More Confident About Your Company's Future?

Interested in Feeling More Confident About Your Company's Future?

Technology can be scary sometimes, that is until you realize that companies like Fuselab Creative can make modernization quite simple and relatively painless.

Digital Product Design Services

While AI and IoT represent the cutting edge of digital transformation, making changes to your dashboard and user interface is the best way to make an impact right now.

Rather than getting bogged down with huge data sets or misplacing important information, a well-designed dashboard puts everything front and center to improve procedural outcomes and operating models. From intuitive visuals and logical workflows to custom digital applications, transforming your business from the inside requires a great interface. Read more about enterprise application design best practices.

If you’re ready to transform your organization and put your best foot forward, FuseLab creates digital dashboards and user systems that have been designed for all aspects of business optimization. From specialized IT staff to managers and executives, a well-designed dashboard is an important asset for any business that wants to stand out from the competition.

Let Fuselab Creative help you gain an advantage over your competitors by optimizing your workflows and elevating your business. If you’re ready to transform your business, we’re ready to help.

Marc Caposino
CEO, Marketing Director


Years of experience


Years in Fuselab

Marc has over 20 years of senior-level creative experience; developing countless digital products, mobile and Internet applications, marketing and outreach campaigns for numerous public and private agencies across California, Maryland, Virginia, and D.C. In 2017 Marc co-founded Fuselab Creative with the hopes of creating better user experiences online through human-centered design.