Digital Product Design UI Design UX Design
Duration: Duration icon 13 min read
Date: Duration icon Mar 1, 2023

Digital Product Design Trends 2023: The Future of Product Design

The Future of Digital Product

Digital Product Design Trends in 2023

Digital product design has come a long way since its inception. The advent of technology has led to a massive shift in how people consume content and interact with digital products. As we look ahead to 2023, it’s quite clear that the future of digital product design will be shaped by emerging technologies, evolving user needs, and changing design practices.

In this blog, we shall discuss the future of digital product design and the trends that will shape it in 2023.

1. Design Systems will become more important

In 2023, design systems will become even more critical in digital product design. Essentially, this helps to create consistent design patterns, which can be reused across multiple products. They are also crucial in building scalable and efficient design workflows. By adopting design systems, designers can reduce the time spent iterating on designs, which can help speed up the product development process. As more and more companies adopt design systems, they will become an imperative part of any product designer’s toolkit.

2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) will play a bigger role

Artificial Intelligence is already transforming many industries, and product design is no exception. In the coming years, AI will play an even more significant role in digital product design. With the help of AI, designers can analyze user data, identify user preferences, and create personalized experiences. AI can also help designers automate certain design tasks, reducing the time spent on repetitive design work.

3. Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) will become more prevalent

Virtual and Augmented Reality technology has been around for a few years but has yet to be fully integrated into mainstream digital product design. In 2023, this is expected to change as more companies adopt VR/AR technology. VR/AR can help designers create immersive and interactive experiences, which can help engage users and increase retention.

4. Voice User Interface (VUI) will become more popular

As digital assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant become more popular, voice user interfaces (VUI) will become more prevalent in digital product design. VUIs can help create a more natural and intuitive user experience, which can help increase user engagement. 2023 product design trends show conclusively that whether its voice navigation functionality for basic typing features or other types of voice-activated features, this is among the trends in digital product design services that is here to stay.

5. Inclusivity will be a priority

In the coming years, inclusivity will be crucial in digital product design. Designers will need to consider how their products can be accessible to people with disabilities and how they can create inclusive experiences for people from all backgrounds and abilities. The good news is that pushing digital design agencies to adapt their work to be accessible has only created more unique experiences for everyone. This is particularly visible in the rise of conversational UI and other similar trends, which include creating designs that are easy to read, navigate, and interact with and ensuring that each and every product is designed with a diverse range of users in mind.

6. User Data Privacy will be a major concern

Product design and innovation are forcing the increased use of personal data in digital products to be functional, which has added to the data privacy concerns for users. In the coming years, designers must ensure that their products are designed with privacy in mind. This includes minimizing the collection of personal data, being transparent about what data is being collected, and ensuring that the data is stored securely.

7. Sustainability will be a priority

As the creative world becomes more conscious of its environmental impact, sustainability will become a critical consideration among the top product development trends in 2023. Designers will need to figure out how their products can be designed to be more sustainable and how they can reduce their environmental impact. This includes designing products that use less energy, are made from sustainable materials, and are designed to last longer.

8. Designing for Mobile First

No blog about the latest product design trends would be complete without a deep dive into the evolution of mobile-first design. As mobile usage continues to drive the impact of technology on product design, designing for a mobile-first world is essential. This means designing products with a mobile-first approach is much more than creating successful mobile app design for IOS and Android environments, it is also about ensuring that the user experience is optimized for smaller screens of every kind, and at every bandwidth. By focusing on mobile first, designers can create products that are accessible, responsive, and user-friendly, regardless of the device being used, ultimately creating better products as a whole and forcing UI/UX design trends to keep up on the desktop as well.

9. Designing for Multi-Platform Experiences

In the future, designing for multi-platform experiences will become even more critical, especially so for web application design that needs to work the same on phones, desktops, and tablets. With the increasing “device agnostic” attitude of our youth, products must be designed to work seamlessly across all devices which also will require the increasing need for expert design system creation. To put it bluntly, anyone interested in designing products of the future needs to forget the old days of designing for particular systems and simply focus on usability for every possible technology that exists and some that might be on the way.

10. Human-Centered Design Approach

The term “human-centered design” refers to a method that prioritizes the needs of actual people during the creative process. Future product design trends rely heavily on this approach, which helps designers remember that new technology needs to be more than a good idea, it also needs to work effortlessly. At Fuselab we have two principles we employ with every project: 1. Humans make mistakes, and 2. The UX needs to be self-explanatory, needing no training or guidance to use.

1. Collaboration and Design Thinking

Collaboration and design thinking are sometimes difficult to combine with data-driven product design. This is the kind of challenge we love at Fuselab. Data and the use of AI in product design are ingredients to what is becoming one of the most exciting times to be working with these emerging trends in product design. One thing we know for sure, this is just the beginning. Innovative digital products will continue to help us live healthier and well-informed lives. The healthcare digital products industry is leading the way in terms of the current trends in product design and usability.

12. Data-Driven Design

Data-driven design involves using data and analytics to inform the design process. Our modern approach to product design is 100% reliant on user data and repeating cycles of user testing. Simply put, all innovative digital products rely on data to either drive the use of the platform or prove its use it; either way, data is king and will only become a more influential contributor to product design trends for 2023.

3. Micro-Interactions and Animation 

Micro-interactions and animation shall play a significant role in digital design in 2023. These design elements can help create a more engaging and delightful user experience while providing users with feedback and guidance continuously throughout product use. It is expected that any new digital product includes some degree of animation, it has become an expected feature of all modern product design styling trends.

14. Designing for Accessibility

Inclusivity and accessibility will be a priority in 2023, and designers must ensure that their products are accessible to people with disabilities. This includes designing products that are easy to navigate, use, and interact with and ensuring that the product is designed with a diverse range of users in mind. Modern product design trends are considering equity with every new feature, and those that haven’t yet will need to in the future.

Read more about startup product design.

It's a Simple Formula: Double Your Revenue by Designing a Better Product

It's a Simple Formula: Double Your Revenue by Designing a Better Product

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Digital Product Design Services

The Future of Product Design

Technology is evolving at breakneck speed, and all digital product design trends include the use of not just a few technologies, future product designers need to have at least a cursory knowledge of all the technologies at their fingertips. To design digital products is kind of like drinking from a fire hose in 2023, there’s no way to stay completely up-to-date, but we need to do our best not to reinvent the wheel. And some of these new technologies, like ChatGPT, have the potential to change our world in enormous ways, many of which we haven’t even thought of yet.

One thing that is undoubtedly obvious to most in our industry is that AI has the potential to impact the world of technology more than any other invention in decades, maybe centuries. In our space, AI can help designers automate routine tasks, improve the user experience, and personalize products based on data from millions of individual users. With machine learning algorithms in hand, designers can analyze user data to understand their preferences and create products that meet their needs.

Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) also significantly impact digital product design. VR/AR can provide users with a more immersive and engaging experience, allowing them to interact with the product in a more meaningful way. Designers can use VR/AR to create simulations, prototypes, and other interactive experiences that can help users better understand and engage with the product, while also, let’s just admit it, having some fun. Who doesn’t want to see a killer whale jumping out of their living room floor?

Voice user interfaces (VUI) are also becoming more prevalent, and designers will need to adapt their designs to accommodate this emerging technology. VUI can provide users with a more seamless and natural way to interact with a product, and designers will need to ensure that their designs are optimized for voice commands and responses. By far, the biggest challenge in this space is the current technologies’ inability to understand accents. This is a big part of why Mozilla came to Fuselab to help design their Common Voice platform, which seeks to gather every accent spoken in every language in the world!

Finally, sustainability is becoming a key consideration in digital product design. Designers must ensure that their products are built with the environment in mind, using sustainable materials and processes where possible. We don’t often think of the energy required to do things like search Google on our phones, or shop on Amazon. But the fact is every second spent on these platforms is draining our phone batteries, and every time we recharge, we are depleting energy from the grid. This means the faster and more efficiently we build our product design and development for products like these the more sustainably minded we are as a design agency, we are proving, albeit in a small way, how product design can change the world for the better.

Technology’s impact on digital product design

To conclude, technology is having a significant impact on digital product design, and designers will need to stay ahead of the latest advancements to create products that are engaging, innovative, and sustainable. By incorporating AI, VR/AR, VUI, and sustainable design practices into their designs, designers can create products that meet the needs of users and the environment, which is something we feel very strongly about and is the least we can do to contribute to the greater good.

Designing For a Connected World: The Future of IoT And Product Design

In recent years, we’ve seen rapid growth in the Internet of Things (IoT), which refers to the network of physical devices entrenched with sensors, software, and other technologies to connect and exchange data with other devices and systems. Many start-up product designers think they understand what is required to design for the world of IoT, but this actually requires a history of experience and knowledgeable partners across multiple industries. However, IoT has opened a new realm of possibilities for digital product design, as products are no longer limited to just serving a single purpose but can be integrated with other devices to create a seamless and interconnected user experience.

As we look to the future, we can expect IoT to become even more ubiquitous, with everything from household appliances to travel app design and development, to cars to medical devices connected to the Internet. This will require digital product designers to think beyond traditional product boundaries and design for a more connected world. There’s a lot of fear out there about these current product design trends, such as your refrigerator accidentally ordering twelve dozen eggs instead of a dozen eggs, but then again, many horse lovers thought that the first automobiles were a sign of the end of the world.

One potential application for IoT in digital product design is the concept of “smart” products. For example, a smart thermostat can automatically adjust the temperature based on the user’s preferences and past behavior without the user lifting a finger. Or, as was just mentioned, a smart fridge that can track the user’s food inventory and order groceries when supplies run low. Will these technologies change who we are? No. However, they will allow us to spend more time with those we love and less time stuck in traffic on our way back to the market for the second time today because we forgot to buy milk.

These products require advanced hardware and software and careful consideration of the user experience and interface design. In other words, human-centered design is only becoming more important as our devices grow smarter. The latest product design trends all point to one shared goal, they are hoping to make our lives easier while also helping us advance as a society. There will always be bad actors in this space misusing technology for nefarious reasons, but this doesn’t mean we should look to the future with fear, it simply means that we need to promote responsibility across our industry partners.

As a leading digital product design agency, Fuselab Creative is well-positioned to help clients design and develop innovative products that leverage the power of IoT. In recent years we have become one of the leading UI/UX agencies supporting healthcare technology products, across the US and Canada. With a team of experienced designers and developers, Fuselab Creative is now a top partner looking to integrate technology across multiple systems and with multiple business goals.

By leveraging the latest product design trends in IoT, Fuselab helps clients stay ahead of the curve and create products that are not just functional but also intuitive, beautiful, and engaging. Whether it’s designing a smart home system, a wearable device, or a connected vehicle, we have the expertise and creativity to bring your ideas to life.

If you want to see how Fuselab can help you design and develop innovative products; our team of experts is here to answer any questions and provide a free consultation to help you get started.

To get in touch with us, simply visit our website at https://fuselabcreative.com/ or email us at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you.

Marc Caposino
CEO, Marketing Director


Years of experience


Years in Fuselab

Marc has over 20 years of senior-level creative experience; developing countless digital products, mobile and Internet applications, marketing and outreach campaigns for numerous public and private agencies across California, Maryland, Virginia, and D.C. In 2017 Marc co-founded Fuselab Creative with the hopes of creating better user experiences online through human-centered design.